Two workshops on systematic reviews and evidence synthesis will be held on 26-27 May 2021 as the pre-conference workshops of the Seventh Pan-Pacific Nursing Conference organised by The Nethersole School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The objectives of the workshops are to enable participants to understand and interpret systematic reviews and meta-analyses and to equip participants with knowledge and skills in planning and conducting Cochrane Reviews.
Workshop 1: 26 May 2021 (Wednesday) 09:00 – 17:00
Interpreting systematic reviews and using Cochrane Reviews
This 1-day workshop provides an introduction to Cochrane evidence and enables participants to use and interpret systematic reviews.
Workshop 2: 26-27 May 2021 (Wednesday & Thursday) 09:00 – 17:00
Systematic Reviews and Evidence Synthesis
This 2-day workshop is designed to equip participants with knowledge and skills in planning and conducting systematic reviews.

Professor Edwin Shih Yen CHAN
PhD, BVMS (1st class Hons), BSc
Chief Scientific Officer, Singapore Clinical Research Institute
Director, Cochrane Singapore
Associate Professor, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore

Dr. Liang GUO
MPH, BMed (Fudan), Cert (FETP)
Epidemiologist, Singapore Clinical Research Institute
Member, Cochrane Singapore

Dr. Luming SHI
MSc (Clinical Sciences), MSc (Health Economics and Pharmacoeconomics), MBBS
Head, Epidemiology, Singapore Clinical Research Institute
Deputy Director, Cochrane Singapore
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore

Dr. Yoko Kin Yoke WONG
PhD, MMedSc (Public Health), BSc (Biology)
Senior Epidemiologist, Singapore Clinical Research Institute, Singapore
Senior Epidemiologist, Tan Tock Seng Hospital
Member, Cochrane Singapore

Dr. Charles Qishi ZHENG
MD, MPhil
Epidemiologist, Singapore Clinical Research Institute
Member, Cochrane Singapore

Dr. Julie Yanan ZHU
PhD (Pharmacology) , MSc (Pharmacology), BE(Pharmaceutics)
Epidemiologist, Singapore Clinical Research Institute
Member, Cochrane Singapore
The official language of the Pre-conference Workshop is English.
The Pre-conference Workshop will be conducted in hybrid mode.
To attend the workshops, please register on the conference website. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
The Nethersole School of Nursing
Faculty of Medicine
6/F, Esther Lee Building, Chung Chi College
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, New Territories
Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 3943 4039
Fax: (852) 2603 5269